London College of CommunicationSecond Year Typo/Graphic Design Show
**Private View Wed 24th June 6- 10pm**
This is the best time to come: Meet the students, have a beer, and enjoythe work!
Otherwise exhibition continues...23rd -27th June 2009 12- 6pm
The end of year show by LCC’s Second Year Typo/Graphic Design students isan exhibition of collaborations, exploring concepts from The New FontanaDictionary of Modern Thoughts. Theories from the fields of psychology,sociology and anthropology are explored visually, creating unique platformsof debate between the theories from different perspectives.There are many different types of work, including print, sculpture, movingimage, and installations, all displaying a 'visual debate' between twochosen Modern Thoughts.
Acquire Arts, 155 Battersea Park Road, SW8 4BU
Nearest Tube: Vauxhall
Buses: 44, 137, 156, 344, 452, N44, N137